Krishi Sudhar Yojana 2024: Transforming Indian Agriculture for a Sustainable Future


Krishi Sudhar Yojana 2024: India’s agriculture sector is the backbone of its economy, employing nearly half of the country’s workforce. However, it faces numerous challenges, including inefficient farming practices, climate change, and an over-reliance on traditional methods.

To tackle these issues, the Government of India has introduced Krishi Sudhar Yojana 2024, a comprehensive reform initiative aimed at modernizing agriculture, promoting sustainability, and empowering farmers. This article explores the key aspects of this transformative scheme and how it will shape the future of Indian agriculture.

What is Krishi Sudhar Yojana 2024?

Krishi Sudhar Yojana 2024 is a flagship agricultural reform program that aims to boost agricultural productivity and ensure sustainability while improving the livelihood of Indian farmers. The scheme focuses on the adoption of modern technologies, improving irrigation systems, and promoting organic farming. The key objectives of the program include:

  • Encouraging the use of sustainable farming practices.
  • Integrating technology to make farming more efficient.
  • Improving the post-harvest management and supply chain to reduce losses.
  • Enhancing market access and price realization for farmers.

Need for Agricultural Reforms in India

Agriculture in India is plagued by numerous challenges such as low productivity, water scarcity, and poor access to markets. Additionally, small and marginal farmers struggle to adopt modern practices due to limited resources. Climate change further exacerbates the situation by leading to unpredictable rainfall patterns, which impact crop yields. Therefore, agricultural reforms are necessary to ensure that Indian farming can meet the demands of a growing population and contribute to the country’s food security.

Key Components of Krishi Sudhar Yojana 2024

1. Sustainable Farming Practices

The core of Krishi Sudhar Yojana 2024 is promoting sustainable agriculture. This includes the widespread adoption of organic farming techniques, minimizing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and encouraging the use of natural alternatives that are less harmful to the environment.

2. Technological Integration

The initiative emphasizes the digitization of agriculture through the use of technologies like precision farming, smart agriculture, and IoT (Internet of Things). These technologies enable farmers to monitor their crops more efficiently and make informed decisions regarding irrigation, pest control, and harvesting.

3. Improved Irrigation Systems

Water management is critical to the success of Indian agriculture. The Yojana promotes the use of drip irrigation, micro-irrigation, and other water-saving techniques to ensure that crops receive the right amount of water without wastage.

Focus on Sustainable Agriculture

The shift toward sustainable farming is central to Krishi Sudhar Yojana 2024. The government encourages the use of bio-fertilizers, composting, and crop rotation to maintain soil health. Organic farming is also being promoted to reduce the dependency on synthetic chemicals, which can harm the environment and degrade soil quality over time.

Organic Farming Initiatives

To support farmers transitioning to organic farming, the government offers subsidies on organic fertilizers and provides training programs to help them adopt these methods effectively.

Digital Transformation in Agriculture

One of the most revolutionary aspects of Krishi Sudhar Yojana 2024 is the introduction of digital platforms that provide real-time information to farmers. Through mobile applications, farmers can access weather forecasts, crop advisories, and market prices. This allows them to make informed decisions that enhance crop yield and market profitability.

Precision Farming

With the help of satellite data and remote sensing, precision farming techniques enable farmers to optimize the use of inputs like water, fertilizers, and seeds, thereby maximizing productivity while minimizing costs.

Government Support for Farmers

Subsidies and Financial Aid

The government has allocated substantial funds to provide subsidies for seeds, fertilizers, and irrigation equipment. Additionally, the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) offers crop insurance to farmers, protecting them from losses due to unpredictable weather conditions.

Crop Insurance

With climate change causing more frequent extreme weather events, crop insurance schemes are crucial to safeguarding farmers’ income and ensuring the resilience of the agriculture sector.

Improving Irrigation and Water Management

Water scarcity is a major issue in Indian agriculture, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. The Krishi Sudhar Yojana promotes the use of efficient irrigation techniques, such as drip and sprinkler systems, to ensure that water is used judiciously.

Drip Irrigation Systems

This method delivers water directly to the roots of crops, reducing evaporation and minimizing water wastage. Farmers are being encouraged to adopt drip irrigation through financial incentives and training programs.

Role of Technology in Krishi Sudhar Yojana 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI), drones, and satellite technology are at the heart of the technological revolution in agriculture. By utilizing these tools, farmers can monitor crop health, identify issues like pest infestations early, and take preventive measures to avoid large-scale damage.

Drones in Agriculture

Drones are increasingly being used for aerial crop monitoring, pest control, and even precision spraying of fertilizers. This not only saves time but also ensures uniform distribution of inputs across large fields.

Enhancing Farmer Training and Education

To ensure the success of these reforms, the government is focusing on farmer education. Training programs are being held across the country to teach farmers about modern farming techniques, sustainable practices, and the use of digital tools.

Capacity Building Programs

Specialized programs for skill development ensure that farmers are well-versed in the latest agricultural practices. These programs aim to increase productivity and reduce the dependency on traditional methods.

Focus on Post-Harvest Management

Reducing post-harvest losses is crucial to improving farmers’ income. The scheme encourages the development of cold storage facilities and better supply chain infrastructure to preserve produce and prevent wastage.

Cold Storage Solutions

By expanding the network of cold storage facilities, farmers can store their crops for longer periods, helping them to sell at higher prices when market conditions are favorable.

Market Reforms under Krishi Sudhar Yojana

To give farmers better access to markets and better prices for their produce, Krishi Sudhar Yojana promotes the use of e-market platforms. These platforms connect farmers directly with buyers, eliminating middlemen and ensuring fair price realization.

E-NAM Platform

The National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) is a digital platform that allows farmers to sell their produce directly to buyers across the country, providing them with better market access and competitive prices.

Impact on Rural Economy

The Krishi Sudhar Yojana is expected to have a significant positive impact on the rural economy. By increasing farmers’ incomes and creating new job opportunities, the scheme aims to reduce poverty and promote rural development.

Challenges in Implementation

While the Krishi Sudhar Yojana offers numerous benefits, there are still challenges to its successful implementation. These include infrastructure gaps, such as the lack of cold storage in many regions, and resistance to change among some farmers who are hesitant to adopt new technologies.


Krishi Sudhar Yojana 2024 represents a bold step toward modernizing Indian agriculture. By focusing on sustainability, technological integration, and farmer empowerment, the initiative aims to transform the agricultural landscape of India, ensuring food security and improving the livelihood of millions of farmers. The future of Indian agriculture looks promising, and the reforms introduced under this scheme will play a crucial role in building a resilient and prosperous rural economy.


1. What is Krishi Sudhar Yojana 2024?

Krishi Sudhar Yojana 2024 is a government initiative aimed at transforming Indian agriculture by promoting sustainable farming, integrating technology, and improving irrigation systems.

2. How will technology help farmers under Krishi Sudhar Yojana 2024?

The scheme promotes the use of technologies like AI, drones, and digital platforms to help farmers monitor crops, optimize inputs, and improve yields.

3. What support is provided to farmers under the scheme?

Farmers receive financial support, subsidies for organic farming, and crop insurance to protect against weather-related losses.

4. What role does irrigation play in the scheme?

Efficient water management is a key focus, with a push for drip and micro-irrigation systems to conserve water and improve crop productivity.

How will Krishi Sudhar Yojana impact rural development?

By increasing farmers’ income, creating jobs, and improving agricultural productivity, the scheme aims to boost the rural economy and reduce poverty.

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